RK+ Line
Tucor's RK+ Controller Line combines all the intelligence & features you need in an irrigation controller with an easy-to-use interface.
With Tucor's RK+:
Calculate best watering practices with ET/MAD, Weather, or Water Budget-based Watering.
Communicate controller data or control remotely via cellular (CATM1), ethernet & ethernet radio.
Validate results with historical reports.
Total Cycle Management
Tucor’s patented Total Cycle Management concept uses soil moisture data to correct ET values for a truly intelligent water management system.
Scale Over Time
The RK+’s modular & simple design allows you to grow your system overtime from 1 to 100 zones in a high-value controller with an easy-to-use local and remote interface.
Quality You Can Trust
Since 1995, Tucor has provided top-quality decoder & control products for many industries.
RKD+ 2-Wire Controller
- 100 station capacity
- Uses programmable RKLD-050 decoder
LTD 2-Wire Controller
- 50 station capacity
- Uses programmable RKLD-050 decoder
- Can be expanded to 100 zones
RKS+ Conventional Controller
- 25 station controller with extensions that combine up to 100 station capacity
- Wirelessly connect from extension to extension
- 2-Wire add-on options from 6-48 stations
- Programs: 10, Sequential with Program Overlap supported
- Program Correction: Water Budget & Remote Weather, ET, & Soil Moisture (requires RealNet subscription)
- ET: Three options for ET-based control for varying levels of management (Weather, ET calculated & ET automatic)
- Patented Total Cycle Management: Regulate ET values with high & low moisture bounds
- Mist Manager: Irrigate in seconds for nursery applications
- Cycle & Soak: Set regular periods of irrigation pause within a program to prevent run-off
- Flow Sensors: 1 via direct connection
- Flow Features:
- FloGuard: High Flow, Low Flow, Flow Deviation & Unscheduled Flow alarms with built-in actions
- FloStack: Program stacking based on real-time flow values for up to 10 simultaneous programs and system capacity.
- Learned Flow program
- Master Valve: Yes, N/C & N/O
Decoder & 2-Wire
- Output Decoder: Programmable (Valve, Booster, N/C Master Valve “MV” or N/O Master Valve “NOM”), Single-output
- Simultaneous Station Run: Up to 12 (10 + Master Valve & Booster Pump)
Remote Access
- Communication Options: Standard Cellular, Cellular Gateway, Ethernet
- Subscription: Yearly subscription “RealNet” required
For a complete list of possible products, please consult our At-a-glance catalog.
Controller Models
2-Wire Models
RKD+ Tucor 100 Valve Center Dial 2-Wire Decoder Controller in 12x12x6 Polycarbonate enclosure.
LTD Tucor 50 Valve 2-Wire Decoder Controller in 12x12x6 Polycarbonate enclosure.
RKLD-050 Single address decoder for RKD, RKD+ & LTD controller models. Requires programming
Conventional Models
RKS+ Tucor 25 zone, Center Dial Conventional Output Controller (must add RKS-Z zone count, individually priced) in 12x12x6 Tucor Polycarbonate Enclosure
RKS+24BZ RKS+ 24 Station Controller Bundle. Includes LTE-M Modem (SERVLINK-AIR) and 25 Zone License Key.
RKS+ 50BZ RKS+ 50 Station Controller Bundle. Includes LTE-M Modem (SERVLINK-AIR) and 50 Zone License Key, CON-25 & 12x20x6 Stainless Steel Enclosure
RKS-EXT Tucor 25 zone extension Enclosure for in 12x12x6 Tucor Polycarbonate enclosure
SERVLINK-E Tucor SERVLINK E web module, ethernet-only version.
SERVLINK-AIR web connection module. CAT M1 (LTE-M) connectivity.
WIN-400-A Tucor 4G LTE Cellular Modem (AT&T). For applications using ET-300-W-N Weather Stations or Wireless Extensions
RKD-RFA-200-A Tucor Radio Field Access transceiver for RK+ handheld radio
RFA-HH-VHF Tucor Handheld radio with DTMF keypad for RK+
UFM-XX – Ultrasonic flow meter in 1-4” sizes with removable insertion
SMS-100 Tucor Single Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor with 13' of cable for direct connection to the RK & RK+ Controllers
ET-300-W-N Tucor Solar powered weather station. Includes connectivity bridge to Tucor controller (LAN-100).
- LTD_InstallManual.pdf
- LTD_UserManual.pdf
- RK+ _UserManual-Sharable.pdf
- RKD_UserManual (Archive).pdf
- RKD+_InstallManual.pdf
- RKS_UserManual (Archive).pdf
- RKS+_InstallManual.pdf
- RKW+_UserManual.pdf
- TI_RKW_InstallManual.pdf
Tech Notes
- TN049 - 2-wire path testing.pdf
- TN050 RKD-RFA-200 Commands.pdf
- TN055 - Antenna Options for the RKD-RFA-200.pdf
- TN056 - Controlling Lighting.pdf
- TN058 - Changing RFA radio frequencies.pdf
- TN-063 - controller keycodes.pdf
- TN064 - System Grounding.pdf
- TN72 - RK-RFA-200 Channel Selection - Kenwood.pdf
- TN-73 HCP-100 Decoder programmer.pdf
- TN082 - Connecting a Photodiode Flowmeter to a Tucor Controller using the HM-PWR Board v3.0.pdf
- TN111 - WIN-400 Cellular Signal Guide.pdf
Specifier Documents
Written Specification
CAD & Rendered Drawings
- 2-Wire_CAD_Connecting Field Surge Protector.pdf
- 2-Wire_CAD_system grounding.pdf
- 2-Wire_Controller Grounding - Ground Rod Network, no LTB.pdf
- RK+_RenderedDraw_PC Cab.pdf
- RK+_RenderedDraw_RK+ in PC Cab_.pdf
- RKD_Booster_suction lift pump.pdf
- RKD_CAD_HCP-100-Model.pdf
- RKD_CAD_MISC-RKLD050 decoder.dwg
- RKD_CAD_MISC-RKLD050 decoder.pdf
- RKD_CAD_MV with one boosted zone.pdf
- RKD_CAD_RKLDprogrammingterminals.pdf
- RKD_CAD_Single two-wire path.pdf
- RKD_CAD_sms_smp.pdf
- RKD_CAD_Two Two-wire paths.pdf
- RKD_CAD_Valve wiring with PSR_.pdf
- RKD_Four two-wire paths.pdf
- RKS_CAD_faceplate.pdf
- RKS_CAD_RKLD-050 wiring.pdf
- School Districts
- Universities
- Residences
- Municipalities
- Nurseries
- Greenhouses